Swansea Historical Society



Topic of the Month

Swansea Historical Society Trough

Previous Topics of the Month

Tour the Store

While the Luther Store is closed for maintenance and repairs, the SHS is presenting this small tour of some interesting artifacts inside the store.
Please click here to view the tour.
(updated 9-27-22)


Please click here to learn about what historic preservation is and to read about the Historic Preservation Movement in the United States.

The Luther Store is currently closed for renovations

By appointment only
Anyone wishing to do research (e.g. viewing family files or something in the Swansea Historical Society's collections) please contact Carl Becker at 508-379-0972 or Cheryl Bogle at 508-496-9564 to schedule an appointment.

Check out the
Items in the Store

Amazon Smile
Be sure to select
Swansea Historical Society!

Visitor number:

Welcome to the Swansea Historical Society!

The Swansea Historical Society is a non profit organization dedicated to preserving, collecting and researching historical information and items. The society also takes pride in creating ways to help future generations understand their heritage and the history of Swansea.

Founded January 23rd, 1941 the Swansea Historical Society celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2021!

Swansea Historical Society Quilt Auction

The SHS will be selling chances to auction off a beautiful quilt that was donated to us.
Chances will be $5.00 each or 5 for $20.
Chances will go on sale starting at the Annual Meeting on September 8th.
The drawing will be held on November 1st.
Quilt Flier
click here for more info on the quilt fundraiser

Swansea Historical Society Items Available

Look at all these great SHS items now available! Download the order form and send along with your payment and we will arrange for local pick-up of your items. Click here for more info.
SHS Store Items

Swansea Historical Society 2022 Family Recipe Cookbook is still available!

Please contact Cheryl Bogle (508-496-9564) or Sandy Clark to purchase a Swansea Historical Society Family Recipe Cookbook or fill out and order form (see link on the right) and mail to the SHS with your payment.

Luther Store Issues & Repairs

Swansea Luther Store from Swansea Community Network on Vimeo.

WBZ Radio Interview:

"For centuries, Swansea residents have patronized and loved the J.G. Luther Store on Old Warren Road. Time takes its toll on buildings like this, but the Swansea Historical Society has been able to keep up - until COVID hit. Now, they're scrambling to try and fix massive structural and pest problems in hopes of saving this beloved historical landmark. Cheryl Bogle from the Swansea Historical Society has details on what happened, and how you can help them get the store back to good."

NOTE: The SHS interview is the second half of the podcast."

Luther Store Collage



Upcoming Events

Pumpkin Patch Event

October 12th, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Children's raffle, hand decorated pumpkins, homemade pumpkin bread, chocolate chip cookies and other fresh made baked goods will be available for purchase

Annual Abram's Rock Walk

October 27th.
Parking will be at behind Case Junior High School and the walk will start from that point

Summer 2024 Newsletter

SHS Family Recipe Cookbook

On sale now!
Cookbook Info
Cookbooks can also be purchased at Riverside Art (1600 G.A.R. Hwy, Somerset) or the Swansea Public Library